Welcome to the Laboratorium Ilmu Humaniora (LIH)

Center for the Development of Humanities Sciences that supports Education, Research, and Community Engagement.

LIH is a scholarly development unit actively involved in various activities in the field of humanities to support academic tasks. By offering diverse programs and innovative facilities, LIH aims to enrich knowledge, enhance skills, and foster creativity among students and faculty members of the Faculty of Humanities. Join us at LIH to explore your full potential in the humanities and pave the way towards academic and professional success.

More about LIH

Latest News

Public Lecture #5 by Prof. Jumadi from Lambung Mangkurat University on Critical Discourse Analysis

As an effort to enrich academic insights and encourage research in discourse studies within the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS)...

Explore the Hidden Potentials in Language, Literature, Education, Art, and Culture with the Assistance of LBEKRAF.


Ekspos Karya

Be a part of the excellent expression of creativity and productivity at the FIB through art exhibitions to showcase your work and explore extensive collaboration opportunities in the field of humanities.

Ekspos Karya Program

Facility and Room Rental

Submit your online application here

Self Access Center (SAC)

A self-learning center cum reading space for students of the Faculty of Humanities (FIB) and University of Brawijaya (UB) in general.

Visit SAC